December 19, 1999
As I begin writing this page, I have only a vague idea of how the year 2000 Christmas CD will turn out. But I am determined to make it better for you, and easier for me than the one I just finished. This time I plan to work on it throughout the year instead of in the last couple of weeks before Christmas. So here goes. You will be the judge as to how well I do.
December 9, 2000
Well here it is, almost a year later, and you can see just how far I got with that promise.
As so often the case, I just couldn't decide how I wanted to make this card look. So what we ended up with, being done in the last few weeks of December, is a kind of slide show of things we did and pictures we shot during the year.

Fortunately we are both doing well. Tom continues to work for SAIC, while Frank spends his days working out of the house on web pages.

There are lots of things to explore on this CD. Our entire web site is here, along with the other web sites Frank has worked on during this year. You have a snapshot of these sites as they looked on December 10, 2000. You can always get the latest version on-line at

Some items on this CD require RealPlayer version G2, 8 or later. If you don't have RealPlayer installed you can get version 8 from the Software section near the bottom of this page. If you are not sure if RealPlayer is installed, try the video or audio, if it doesn't work, you probably need the player installed.

So please enjoy this CD, a small Holiday gift from us to you.
Throughout most of the CD, you can click on small pictures to see larger versions.

Above photo by Laurie Warren.
Flower names through the generosity of Scott Hadley.

Our Year In Brief
  Late fall and winter 1999, and 2000
Early Spring Trip to Maine, Flowers
Late Spring to Early Summer
Summer Beach, Mountains and Flowers
Our Summer Vacation to Colorado
Late Summer Wildlife, Weekend Outings
Early Fall Cars, Friends, Colors
Late Fall to Early Winter
Christmas Oriniments Our collection