Merry Christmas

Hello again, and Merry Christmas All. We hope you have had a fun year. We have.

The big news for this year is that after 32 years, we were finally able to get legally married! The photo above is us on our wedding day. A description, photos and a video are available on the next page.

This year we had two marvelous trips. One through the mid-west up into Michigan, then Kentucky, Little Rock, Oklahoma, and then back home. The second trip was to Santa Fe, Phoenix, Las Vegas, many cities in California and then back home. And recently we flew to St Petersburg for IGRA Convention.

Along the way we stopped at rodeos, phone shows, and just visiting good friends. It was a great year. In the spring, summer, and some in the fall we had a few minor issues with the house repaired and fixed, so we should be in good shape for several years to come.

Our Christmas card this year contains many YouTube videos. Clicking on a video icon will open a new window and take you to the appropriate page. You can also see all our videos at either our rodeo YouTube channel or our Personal YouTube channel.

We hope your year was as good. There has been some sadness this year around the world, as well as the loss of a few dear friends. But then we need to be realistic and understand these bodies were not made to last an eternity.

So with a measure of reality and gladness, we approach this Holiday season. Go for it! Make it your most memorable one yet. And one of the best ways to do just that is to reach out and help a friend or neighbor. Be sensitive to their needs and adjust your giving. Perhaps simply giving of your time to listen is all they need. Help where you can.

Let's go forward, and not be ashamed to wear our hearts on our sleeves, because that is where they should be worn.

With much love and affection, we remain your neighbor, friend, relative or buddy.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Tom & Frank